Untangled is a slice-of-life visual novel, a story about the serendipitous romance between two college students across the four seasons. Draw lines to connect the daily events of Gretchen and Matthew's lives and see how their relationship evolves through the school semester. 

We hope you enjoy this game.

The Team:

Noel: Project Manager / Assistant Programmer

Crisen: Lead Artsit

Harper: Lead Narrative Designer / Co- Lead Game Designer

Luis: Lead Audio Designer / Co- Lead Game Designer

William: Lead Programmer


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Very nice! I loved how creative y'all's verbs were. It wasn't just the same as Florence; you added a lot of new and interesting ideas to it. And it almost goes without saying, but my god, it was so cute! The art style and story, just wonderful! Kudos, guys. Kudos.


Thank you so much!


Its intresting, is it a tarot card or judt a card in the cover??

(1 edit) (+1)

Its a tarot card!